Sunday, March 2, 2008


ATW 223 Group project: innovating operations from social responsibility lenses.

The date due for the Group project is now extended to 11th March 5 pm, at Room 242.

Please make sure your work include all information required below. There are FOUR key outputs: weblog, poster, appendices, and individual effort. The CD version is now omitted. You do not need to send a CD.

A. Your weblog. It should feature as much as possible your outputs from answering the three research questions:

Title of your research and the CSR component it falls under
Group Name, Name of your team members (and photos) and role: Manager, Editor, Creative/presentation manager, Solutions-based idea manager
Trend discussions about the 20 articles
Trend discussions about 5 case studies
Brief introduction to your case organization: what it does, its services, etc. (include photos)
Discussions on the operations systems and concepts you have used to solve problem for your case organization
Discussions on your solution model for your case organization (Include the diagram with operations systems and concepts if possible)

Given the scope above, add-value with creative ways to develop your weblog. Whatever is not possible, please put it in Appendices below.

B. Your poster must feature:

Title of your research and the CSR component it falls under
Group name
Team photo
Name of your case organization ( include photos)
Solution model for your case organization. It must show the diagram with operations systems and concepts
Short word-descriptions about your solution model for your case organization
Website address information of your weblog

C. What should go into supplement ‘Appendices’:

One page showing:
-Title of your research and the CSR component it falls under,
-Group Name,
-Name of each team members and role: Manager, Editor,
Creative/presentation manager, Solutions-based idea manager,
-Matric number of each team members
photocopy evidences of 20 articles related to the topic
photocopy evidences of articles about five case studies.
solution model showing diagrams of operations systems and concepts which you could not feature in the weblog
write-up describing your solution model (minimum 2 pages)
print out version of poster
print out of all pages of the weblog

D. Individual effort:
Each of you must document what you have done for the project separately by explaining how you have contributed to the project. There is no limitation in how long you should write. This is an individual report that you must sent in separate from the Appendices.

Note: Each of you will be given a peer evaluation form after 11th of March to evaluate your team members’ contribution

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