2. The air conditioner’s filters must be cleaned very often. Free air flow reduces energy consumption.
3. The compressor should be cleaned with garden hose (make sure the power is switched off). Keep plants away at least I feet from the compressor.
4.Turn off lighting appliances during day time.
5.For houses that has land plant tree for shades. Shades from the trees will reduce heating effect to the house.
6. To circulate the air use ceiling fans throughout the house. Lesser usage of energy. Allow natural air flow as well.
7. Set the fan on your central air conditioner to "on" rather than "auto." Constant air circulation will help in stable room temperature.
8.It is important to get the right size of air conditioner. Large units will waste a lot of energy and turn on and off frequently.
9. Set your air conditioner temperature about 24°C to 26°C, lower (24°C) during hot weather and higher (26°C) during rainy days. Use natural air flow whenever possible.
10. Water heater temperature can be set between low and medium to save energy.
11. Water saving shower heads will be able to save energy using less energy for less water.
12.Fix leaking piping, especially if it's a hot water faucet.
13.Taking shower is better than soaking in bath tubs. More hot water used the more the wastage.
14.Smaller electrical kitchen appliances help to reduce energy consumption. Some of the equipments use nearly 75 % less energy compared to large ovens.
15.Refrigerator coils must be vacuumed at least twice a year to keep the compressor running efficiently.
16.30% of cooled air will escape every time the refrigerator door is opened. The same rule goes for oven.
17. Do not overload the refrigerator or freezer, cold air needs to circulate freely to keep food at the proper temperature.
18.Place the refrigerator so that it can automatically swing and shut the door. This will prevent wastage of energy if the door is left open.
19.Refrigerator door seal must be checked. Place a One Ringgit bill and close the door. If you can pull the bill, you need to replace the gasket.
20.Use your oven's self-cleaning feature immediately after cooking, while the oven is still hot. This will reduce a lengthy warm-up time.
21. Cover your pots and pans to reduce cooking time, and place the pans according to burner size.
22.Wash clothes on full load. Make sure you set the water level properly.
23.Always use cold water for the rinse cycle, hot water can be used only for dirty loads in washing machines.
24.Prevent using driers on sunny day, we are blessed with a lot of sunshine. Ultraviolet from the sun also kills pathogens.
25.Compact fluorescent light bulbs uses 75 percent less energy than typical incandescent and they last 10 times longer. Switching to them will save energy consumption.
26. Switch off lights and electrical equipments when the room or space is not occupied.
27.Clean the light fixtures regularly. Coat of dust can block up to 50 percent of the light output.
28.Soft colours reflect more light. Planning proper interior design will help in energy saving.
29.Unplug any electrical device that's not being used. Many appliances, especially computers, televisions and VCRs draw power even when turned off.
30.If your home has no sidewall insulation, place heavy furniture like bookshelves, armoires and sofas along the walls. This will help block cold air and prevent heat from coming in (insulation).
31. When you are going outstation, do not forget to turn off appliances.
32.Please read the Energy Guide label carefully, and make sure you are comparing "apples to apples." Energy use can range significantly even within a single brand. Do not be cheated by cheap sales and promises by sales promoters.
33.Buying appliances that suits your family is important. Over buying will result to wastage in money and energy consumption.
34. If electrical equipments are older than 10 – 15 years consider trade in to new equipment which is energy efficient.
35.Look for the "EnergyStar" logo. This designation from the relevant government and certification bodies means that the appliance exceeds minimum energy- use standards, usually by a significant amount.
Lastly, investing in Energy Efficient appliances pays off. In some cases, the money you save in energy costs can pay back the purchase price in just a few years!
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