Friday, March 7, 2008

Six Sigma

There are three main models being published in this weblog last week, namely the PDCA Cycle, the Cause and Effect diagram and the Process Map. In addition to these models, there are three other models that suit the needs of Pensonic to improve on their current production processes. The company could use these models to implement the new suggested innovation to their processes. I would explain briefly about these three models here. Another suggested model is the Six Sigma Model.

The first model is called the Six Sigma Model. This model is meant to be used for quality inspection and to ensure the quality of the products are not compromised. This standard has been widely accepted by many manufacturing companies globally to measure the quality of their products. There are two components of Six Sigma, known as DMAIC and DMADV. DMAIC is mainly used to improve the quality of existing products and processes of a company while DMADV is mainly used design new products and processes. These two components will assist the company in adopting highest quality manufactured products and manufacturing processes. If Pensonic chooses to adopt energy-saving features in its future products, it can use the Six Sigma to implement the new approach to ensure that the company carefully analyze the processes as a whole before committing in this new technologies.

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